Ahh, the childhood rite of strawberry picking! It's only natural that children, who are so good at picking (and eating) things, are drawn to this ritual . . .

Look at our hard working team! (shown here with friend Heidi) A couple of minutes later,
Mikala will complain that her basket is "too
hebby" and Mommy will have to carry it the rest of the way . . .

Sara is shown here eating a strawberry that's
apparently a little sour, but she will eat it anyway because she is a human garbage disposal. This is why she has to be strapped to Mommy's back for strawberry picking--at least until she's out of the dirt-eating phase . . .

apparently doesn't care that her parents take it upon themselves to dress her like a
New Kids on the Block groupy. She was a pretty good worker.
So, that's a sampling of our recent strawberry picking trip. Hopefully we tricked the kids into experiencing a little work.