State-of-the-art, just-like-the-real-thing, you-must-really-love-your-kid bottle.
$7.48 each

Hopital issue, disposable, you-might-as-well-take-em-home-cause-we're-gonna-throw-em-away-anyway bottle.
$0 for a bag full

Finally finding a bottle Claire will take?
This reminds me...I desperately need that whole priceless feeling myself. You may be hearing from me soon =)
That is if I get a moment!
Oh yeah - sorry so many comments - but I have that "state of the art" bottle too! It just sits in my cupboard.
Don't mind if you leave lots of comments. We've been trying to get our family members to comment--but they're all new to this blog thing. It's not as popular over here yet. They all come to the site, and comment to us about it, but the whole posting a comment thing eludes them. Oh well. To family members: PLEASE POST COMMENTS, otherwise we don't know what you think. Feedback and dialogue are important with blogs.
I always read the post at least, just don't have much to say. I did sent that picture of the cousins to Liz, she enjoyed it.
Holy molie-that took forever for me to figure out!! This is pretty awesome! I saw the Christmas pictures and thought for a sec that Cadence fit right in, but then I saw her dark hair and, well, then I decided she didn't fit in (as a Hood that is), but she does look kind-of like a Baker???
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