A Different Kind of Tag:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together (either with just me, just joseph, or the family). It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Thanks for playing along!
Yes, I am shamed to say I was quit the little rebel...btw it was the Kohl's in Lexington. I was so dumb.
Ok, so my first memory of you was when we first met. It was at girls camp and we had so much fun hanging out.
Then later we were in singles together. Even though you guys weren't single you still came to institute and graced us with your presence. Your little girl was so cute hanging around too.
love ya girl
I remember Joseph telling me about you and how much he loved you and how perfect you were for him and I was so glad that he had finally found such a perfect match for him.
I also remember taking to you at the crop weekends and feeling like you were so down to earth and how I would really like to spend more time getting to know you. Maybe we can get together some evening at the store or something and simulate our own crop!
I remember when I came to your house to watch your kids while you were pregnant. You were feeling SO bad. Tou couldn't keep any food down. I felt so sorry for you bc you looked drained and completely wore out. I hope your latest pregnancy wasn't as bad.
I remember the first time we met at Thomas and my second date at your house. we had so much fun at were friends that first night. then when we were both pregnant with Tyler and Amy you were sick at my house and I had to go to the doctors office so I left you there with the frozen pizza b/c it was the only thing you could keep down. good times!
Well, I remember when you and Joseph started dating. Where did the time go?! I also remember being extremely jealous of your scrapbooking skills when I was working beside you one time, you were making really cute Father's Day cards! Now, I think that you are a saint taking care of 4 girls.
That is such a good picture of your "little" family (little in age not in number). When I think of Joseph I think of him playing the piano at the institute building all the time and the time he retuned my guitar (I had it for a guitar class I was taking) to some special key or something...completely confused me. And of Tammy, I remember you before marriage, but the first memories are the first time you were in the mother's lounge in west columbia pregnant with the first and sick as anything, and then when I went over to your little concrete house to 'help' and hang out while you were about to move out of it.
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