A couple of months ago, Amy picked up a bad habit from one of her friends. She started chewing on her hair. For months I threatened, and threatened, and threatened some more. The more I threatened, the more I bluffed. I couldn't stand to see all that soft, pretty, curly hair go away. So, whenever Joseph would ask me when I was going to cut her hair, my answer was always something close to, "whenever I get a chance." Yeah, right. Like anyone in their right mind would ever cut gorgeous flowing locks like Amy's. (For those of you who are having a hard time remembering, please refer to:
Top Ten Reasons Why it's Good to Have All Girls #6.) Well, last Sunday, Amy chewed on her hair nonstop. I got so fed up that I told her she was getting her hair cut in the morning. And voila...we have the new Amy!
And the flipside...

Bye bye beautiful locks. :( (Hopefully not forever though).
Oh, and after I was done cutting Amy's hair, I went to give Kala a trim while I was at it, and found her like this...
here's another angle...

and one more for good measure...

oh you cut her hair off sniff sniff! she still looks beautiful. Kayla looks too cute in that picture. miss you guys
That first hair cut is always a doosie. I had to do the same thing with my girl, but she cut her own at first. So I had to fix it then. Her curls haven't grown back =(
Oh and I love the studious look. So cute.
Oh, you're bringing back memories... That is the #1 reason I had to cut Kela's hair short: she was chewing on it--Gross!!! I think you'll like it short. It's WAY easier!
Love the new haircut!! and I love that she is "reading" Twilight hahahaha!!!!!
LOL! She's gorgeous with long or short hair. And, sometimes you just gotta relax and read Twilight! (Only 4 more day's until Breaking Dawn!)
I love Amy's hair- I think it looks great!
I love that your girls are playing with the Twilight books!
We're going to have a girls night out in December when the movie comes out - you should come with us.
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