Santa brought the kids a new playroom. The kids got a train table, an easel, and a play table . . .

Grandma Baker helped Santa with the train table (it was a little out of his price range) . . .

The big man even had time to doodle on the chalkboard after setting up the presents and eating his cookies . . .
Amy and Mikala had never seen something so cool as the train table (at least not anywhere besides Books-a-Million). They ran straight to it at 7:30 and we finally coaxed them away from it at 10:30 by explaining to them that Santa had also left them presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house . . .

Claire was plenty content just dreaming of sugarplums and fairies . . .

And the littlest elf stayed asleep through it all.
Tyler says "hey mommy lets go to Amy and kaydas right now" (to play with the train table)!
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