Caleb and Katie (Hood[3]) took us to the firing range Friday night for date night. Caleb brought his gun, and we rented one at the range. It was Tammy's first time shooting something more than a BB gun. For Joseph, being the man of men that he is, it was not his first time, it was his second. Shown above is the result of a little friendly competition between Tammy and Joseph. Tammy's shots have circles and Joesph's shots have x's (hard to see from picture).
We shot at 7 yds, and it was a tie. Afterwords, we all went to California Dreaming. Nana and Pops (Hood[0]) watched all the kids, half of which slept the whole time.
I can't believe you had a break from all of your kids! Wow. That must have been a blast. Shooting in fun - but I have never shot at a target like that!
Ha! Half of them were definitely not asleep! And Adam helped with the brood. But we love them all and love to watch them! Dad told me we had to comment so this is my first blog comment in my life!
Love, Mom
dear anonymous:
you don't have to be anonymous. You can either choose a nickname when you post, or you can get a gmail account (come on, everyone else is doing it). Thank you for posting though. Blogging is not so different from scraping. It's just virtual and free (don't tell your customers).
Anyway, half of the kids could have been asleep if you wanted them to be. And we forgot to mention Adam's help.
It sounds like Melissa's a little freaked out about the target! The shooting range we went to is run by an old NAM Vet, so the only targets to choose from were the human targets, or a bunch of random animal targets. I guess we didn't feel weird about shooting at the human target b/c Caleb owns a gun for the sole purpose of shooting at a possible intruder (it
's a Springer .40 caliber pistol--not a good choice of gun for hunting).
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