All I Want for Christmas is...

Top Ten Reasons Why it's Good to Have All Girls #2
Anniversary Post!

This is what we wore as a family to the court room. We had a hard time getting everyone to settle down . . . and we're lucky we got them to look toward the camera, much less get any smiles.
So, in celebrating our blog's 1st anniversary: here's to you--all ye who dwell in the bloggernacle--may your posts be fun and your comments be many!
While I'm at it, I may as well mention some milestones from the past year:
1-The kids are all still alive, and relatively well (this was harder than you think to achieve).
2-I'm not crazy . . . yet. But I am suffering from some sort of Post-finalization Depression (I went through PPD with the other three and it's fitting for it to happen with Sara--just means I have truly accepted her as my own) who knew!?!
3-Our cars are still alive, but our HVAC system, washing machine (twice), dishwasher, stove, alternator, 2 car batteries, and the radio in the van all died beyond repair and had to be replaced. (yes, all while paying for a VERY expensive adoption)
Name That Pumpkin Carver
For those of you that haven't played for a while, here's a refresher on how it works:
Choose one of the following options and record your choice in a comment to this blog:
A) Joseph (good choice, the "awesome artist")
B) Tamra (also a good choice, the "patient perfectionist")
C) Amy (bad choice, the "4 year old that's not allowed to play with knives")
D) No one, its a fake pumpkin (another good choice)
The winner will be chosen randomly from the correct guessers and will get their personal pumpkin carved for free next Halloween into anything they want by the expert carver who created the above masterpiece*.
*Offer void if the answer is C, because even though Amy will be 5 next year, she still won't be allowed to play with knives. Winner will be responsible for purchasing the pumpkin to be carved. Winner will be chosen at random via the eenie-meenie-minee-moe method. All rebates to dealer. Offer void in California. Also, effective retroactively, the winner may not request their pumpkin to be carved to resemble a TIGER PAW.
Good luck!
How to build a backyard - Part 3: Hiatus
Step 2: Dam up dirt piles so they stop spilling into the sidewalk.
Step 3: Turn wheelbarrow over so it doesn't become a cess pool of mosquito larvae.
Step 4: Wait....and wait....and wait. Wait 'til your husband is back into the swing of grad school, wait 'til you're used to waking up at 6:00 am so that Amy can catch the bus at 6:30 am, wait 'til all the school orientations are over, wait 'til all this adoption mess is final, wait 'til Tammy, Sara, and Claire's birthday parties are over, 'til formal family portraits are taken, 'til Sara is sealed to us for time and all eternity, 'til Sara is blessed, and FINALLY, wait 'til after General Conference is over before getting back to work on the most important project for the house. Maybe the weather will be nicer and you can work for longer than 15 minutes before almost passing out and being forced back inside for water breaks to recuperate from the humidity--maybe.
Finally, Finalization.
How to Build a Backyard Part 2: The Wall

4 Little Girls + Sleeping Parents + Markers =

Claire contracts a rare case of Smokey Mountain Spotted Fever . . .
Sara's outfit gets a makeover . . .
Mikala draws an amoeba, while Amy experiments with a new subject: a One Eyed Monster . . .
Amy practices her art next to Daddy's artwork on the playroom wall (Amy is understandably confused about why she is not allowed to draw on the wall) . . .
Mikala thinks Amy's artwork is very hip and commissions body art based on her One Eyed Monster.
Lessons learned:
- The Olympics are fun, but sleeping is better.
- Do not leave markers where children can find them.
- If you absolutely must leave markers where children can find them, remove the sharpies from the mix.
- Use a Magic eraser for the walls, baby oil for the babies.
Nebulizer Baby

How to Build a Backyard Part 1: Excavation
The Plan:

The Excavation:
Not Just an Empty Threat

here's another angle...

and one more for good measure...
Sweet Memories

A Different Kind of Tag:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together (either with just me, just joseph, or the family). It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Thanks for playing along!
How to Replace an Alternator in a 2002 Kia Sedona
And for all you female readers of this blog: I know this is not the type of post you are used to on this blog, but just think--you could have bragging rights with your husband (i.e. "I know how to replace an alternator in a 2002 Kia Sedona and you don't, so there!").
Step by step instructions:
1) Are you sure the alternator's bad!?!? Replacing an alternator in this vehicle is NOT an easy task and is not recommended for men with high blood pressure, or women who are pregnant, or may become pregnant. Side effects include nausea, insomnia, and very dirty fingernails. If you experience that it takes you longer than 4 hours to remove this alternator, call your mechanic immediately.
To make sure the alternator needs to be replaced, google "how to test an alternator" and invest in a good multimeter if you don't have one.
2) Remove battery terminal connections and wait at least 30 min for the airbags to be disabled.
3) Remove the air filter intake (large black plastic thing on top of the radiator that connects to the air filter housing).
4) Remove support beam above radiator (6 x 14mm screws and 4 x 12mm screws).
5) Remove radiator hoses connected to the pipe that runs along the front of the engine block. There are two, one on the left that connects to the radiator, and one on the right the connects to the thermostat housing on the side of the block).
This will cause antifreeze to spill all over your driveway. Ideally you should put something down to catch it, but if you didn't, this would be a great time for those disease-ridden stray cats to come around looking for a snack.
6) Now remove the pipe that these hoses were connected to (2 x 12mm screws). You will now get a visual of the alternator, which is a good thing considering you have to replace it.
7) Remove both fans attached to the radiator. This is the hard part. There at least 4 screws holding each one down, one on top, one on the bottom, and two on the side. The side screws are very difficult to get to. You will need one or more of the following to get them loose:
- Extremely small and agile fingers
- Psychokinetic abilities that allow you to move things with your mind that you cannot possibly reach with your hands
- The proper tool (flexible ratchet extension)
After you remove the fans, you will have created a path to move the alternator across the front of the engine block and out.
8) Loosen (or remove) the serpentine belt by loosening the manual adjustment pulley. This is the pulley with the 12mm nut on the side and underneath. If you do not know how to loosen a manual adjustment pulley, you are dumb. (google it if you need to know how to do it)
9) Remove the black support bar the connects the alternator to the engine block. (2 x 12mm screws)
At this point, your kids (who should be asleep by now) will be crying at you through their bedroom window because it's so unfair that they have to go to sleep while Daddy gets to play outside and have fun.
10) Ignore them. You have work to do. Remove the three bolts on the left side of the alternator. Two of them will not come all the way out because of lack of space, but they will come out far enough to remove the alternator.
You will now have to install a light because it has taken you longer to do this than you thought could ever be possible and it is 10:00 at night.
11) Disconnect the hot connection to the alternator (11mm bolt) and the wire harness for the voltage regulator and ground connections.
12) Remove the alternator.
13) Buy a new alternator. This will cost more than you will want to pay. Mortgage your house, sell one (or more) of your kidneys, or embezzle funds from work as necessary.
14) Attach the new alternator and put the car back together better than you found it.
15) When it comes time for you to put those stupid fans back in, do what you should have done before--get your wife who has small and agile hands to do it for you. 16) When you are completly done, sit back and admire your work:
You will probably have at least two screws left over:
They probably don't go on anything important. If you do not have any screws left over, then:
- You are an amazing mechanic and should probably do this for a living.
- You dropped most of the screws into the engine in tiny crevices where they will never be recovered.
- You're just reading this blog for fun and haven't actually replaced the alternator in your personal 2002 Kia Sedona.
17) Disinfect and bandage wounds.
18) Sleep for the 2 hours you have left before you have to wake up and go to work.
All done.
Top 10 Reasons Why it's Good to Have All Girls #3

Two Teefs

Genesis 43:1

It is a liberating feeling to finally embrace the fact that our lawn is completely--and utterly--dead.
The previous two summers were marked by feeble attempts at watering and worrying about the grass. This summer, we were just unwilling to pay for the water or lose any sleep over it.
Well, gotta go mow the weeds. . .

And then Joseph was sent to Chattanooga for a week. (A pattern has emerged) . . .

Lover's Leap at Rock City, Chattanooga
Sara and Claire, Just Thrilled to be on a Business Trip

Tammy and "Sissa"

What you have just read is our post created directly after the washing machine was fixed the the backlog of clothes finally began to get washed. We are now out of excuses and excited about sharing our adventures again on Life is Hood.